Hoyo de Monterrey Cigars have crafted impeccable Cuban Cigars since 1865. Sourcing the most exquisite tobacco from the plantations of Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo region, the brand is recognised for aromatic and distinctive flavours, which are both complex and elegant.
The founder of Hoyo de Monterrey Cigars, Don Jose Gener, was originally from Spain and emigrated to Cuba when he was just 13. At this young age, he began working on his uncle’s plantation in the Vuelta Abajo region, the paramount place to grow tobacco leaves. Twenty years later, after having saved up enough money, Gener opened his own Cuban cigar factory in the same area. Hoyo de Monterrey’s tobacco crops are grown about 200km away from the capital Havana, where the humidity levels and soil conditions allow for the finest tobacco leaves to be grown.
The brand is a tremendous innovator, demonstrated through the introduction of the Petit Robusto vitola in 2005 which has now been adopted by other major brands. Other success stories include the Le Hoyo Series, which stands out compared to other brands because of it using only the Seco and Ligero leaves from the Vuelta Abajo Region.
The Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 Cigar is consistently mentioned amongst cigar sommeliers and aficionados as being one of their all-time favourites. Their smokes are elegant and light, but also rich and complex. For beginner cigar smokers, as well as experienced, they are immensely enjoyable Cuban cigars online.